Patient Data Management OWA (PDMO) Sprint #8

General Info

Topic: Improving PDMO UI/UX and Fixing bugs

Leads: @dkayiwa (Team Lead), @captain (Sprint Leader)

Start Date: 2017-11-20

End Date: 2017-12-04


  • @Daniel Kayiwa (Team Lead)

  • @Farhan Abdirashid (Sprint Lead)

  • @Brian Njengaa


Review from previous sprint

What was not finished:

  • Fix to enable the retrieving of non voided patient enconter

What could be done better:

  • Adding text to the plus icon to indicate what someone is adding

  • adding a placeholder text to the from/to input in the date range picker

Previous sprint demo video:



How to Participate 

Add your name to the list on this wiki page (with any comments about your availability). If you want to join after the sprint has started just join the IRC channel mentioned above and say hello.

The general process:

  1. New to OpenMRS sprints? Want help getting started? Join IRC and say "???": I'd like to participate in the sprint!". If you get no response, just ping any of the above sprint participants as per the IRC tips at

  2. Pick a ticket from the available tickets in the top-left of the sprint dashboard page at:

    • Make sure it does not depend on a ticket that is incomplete.

  3. If you have any questions about the ticket, ask on the group chat

  4. Do the ticket. See our HOWTO for git. Sprint specific git HOWTO for devs with push rights: whatever works for you :-) If you don't like pull requests, don't send them. Commit and push directly to the main repo. If you do like pull requests, fork the main repo and send pull requests, but merge them right after. My favorite way is to work on the main repo, but create local branches (without pushing them to the main repo). Merge branches locally to the master and push to the main repo.

  5. Join the daily scrum to share your updates

During Project Notes for the sprint: 

To be added while the project progresses 

Sprint Retrospective:  

To be added after the end of the sprint. 

Other Resources

Sprint JIRA Board:

Sprint Announcement:

Github Repo:

Project Wiki pagePatient Data Management OWA