2013-03-14 Leadership Call
14 March 2012
How To Join
Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.
In Attendance
Meta-Data and Terminology - Andy
Meeting Minute
Michael Downey
Andy Kanter
Mike Seaton
Darius Jazayeri
Hamish Fraser
Burke Mamlin
Not Attending
Jamie (on vacation)
Chris Seebregts
Updates/AOB (10 min)
Meta-Data & Terminolgy Role Overview - Andy (30 min)
Q&A (20 min)
MSF are un-officiallly going ahead with their TB pilot OpenMRS system in Central Europe. Have hired a former PIH staffer. 3 or 4 other things that MSF wants to do. MDR-TB, Malawi, hospital/surgical implementation based on Mirebalais. Some organizational issues to work through yet. Plans are to retire the current system in favor of OpenMRS implementations.
Burke will send out another license reminder soon for the last week for comment. Goal is MPLv2 by GSoC.
Ethiopia & Ghana: Andy was in Oslo and checked in with HISP. Work is ongoing for Ethiopia & OpenMRS is still a key aspect of the longitudinal record. Ghana is expanding their work to 3 more districts within the next year. Want closer integration with DHIS2 as part of the project. (Not clear regarding Ethipoia.) Darius mentioned Bob & Saptarshi have worked on the module to start this integration. Next steps would be to build on that and move it into the reporting module. No one yet available for working on that however.
ThoughtWorks has given us access to 15% time of a BA to discover commonalities between Mirebalais, JSS, and the Reference App. Might save some effort and overlap.
Terminology Lead: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/Meta-Data+and+Terminology+Lead
Concept Dictionary, Reporting Functions, etc.
Engineering Teams would do the implementation but Content would flow through this new role
Evolving the old "demo data" via AMPATH that has been used for so long
What's the best way to fund curation? Leverage another entity (existing or new) with safeguards or do it ourselves?
Important to understand what groups are responsible for what work (see chart in link above)
There is a need for technology tools to support this work (metadata sharing, e.g.)
Paul: All roles should try to figure out how their work fits in to the (new) overall roadmap so we can all be in sync and clear about initiatives in the near and longer term future.