2013-05-23 Leadership Call
2013-05-23 Leadership Call
Jamie Thomas
Owned by Jamie Thomas
How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
Lead Discussions
- Andy Kanter
- Burke Mamlin
Meeting Minute
Leads Presenting
- Andy Kanter - Meta-Data and Terminology Lead
- One can break up the process into several stages or components:
- Core terminology content development including mapping to standards (code mapping)
- Specialized domain content development (including subsetting of content, expansion of content, etc.)
- Mapping of user requirements to specific concepts (field mapping)
- Deployment of content within the software platform (including searching within forms, data capture tools, etc.)
- Meta-data modeling and information modeling including schema design
- Ontolological work including building of aggregate indicators and measures (including maps to standard quality measures, etc.)
- Reporting/Analysis using common algorithms, formulae and concepts
- Transactional translation or tagging for on-the-fly encoding of concepts
- Note: #1, 3 and 4 are minimally essential for success of the platform. Currently, different players perform thse functions.
- Next Steps
- Andy would like to connect w/ Chris about having partnership discussions
- IMO map to exsisting CIEL content
- Darius will need a subset of concepts from CIEL for the reference application
- Buke Mamlin - Engineering Lead
- Get roles defined - went through this process and have taken care of those that are high priority - need to work on helping to build developer experience
- Implementations noticeably more involved in development - want implementations to drive development e.g., Mirebalais
- Tangible maturation of our continuous deployment practices - Breeze coming on board and reference application have moved this forward
- Improve the experience for developers - GSoC project around SDK (Rafal mentoring)
- Trying to fulfill the 2013 technical road map - reference application road map - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/Reference+Application+Road+Map (trying to get goals done by end of August)
- Trying to make our deployment process better
- Have started bootstraping dev forum - holding Topic Fest evey quarter so that members feel more involved
- GSoC projects - student get announced Monday
- Repository proect - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/Module+Repository+Project
- TODO: Jamie set up a time for Darius, Michael, and Burke to talk about MPL 2
- See splintering in what is omrs development? - concerned as we scal up how do we maintain and create cohesion
- Next Steps
- Ownership of documentation - having someone waking up thinking about that - think Open Help Conference will be helpful
- More project managment and/or process to keep track of things
- Would be nice to go back over goals for roles every six months or so
- Next Week - Chris Seebregt and Micahel Downey will present next week
, multiple selections available,