2013-01-31 Leadership Call
31 January 2012
How To Join
Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.
In Attendance
MPL 2.0 Update - Paul (5 min)
Partnership Update - Chris (15 min)
Voting Outcome Update - Michael (10 min)
Meeting Minute
Michael Downey
Jamie Thomas
Chris Seebregts
Michael Seaton
Paul Biondich
Darius Jazayeri
MPL 2.0 Update - Paul (5 min)
Partnership Update - Chris (15 min)
Voting Outcome Update - Michael (10 min)y
Community Manager Overview - Michael (30 min)
Next Meeting: Feb 7?
MPL 2.0 Update
Luis has drafted a disclaimer of liability language. Need to look at where this language ill be located.
Will provide first draft by end of the week - on wiki
Paul is just getting a couple questions answered and then will provide leadership with a version of the license with langauge and then the group will provide feedback
Time frame for
Partnership Update
Spoke to several people/organizations this week and have more for next week
Chris Bailey - WHO
trying to get WHO site to host data
Took 3 hour long call with University Research Company - Neil Lesh on the call - USAID funding Assist Program
URC talking about partnering and writing grants with OpenMRS
Yaw Anokwa - Nafundi http://www.nafundi.com/
would like to be first class citiezens and own functions
Suggested ODK site helpful hire webpage, attribution or acknowledgement page, better mobile interface, facilitate convergence of differnt mobile clients, do not let OMRS cannibalize itself with implementations
Would like to get descriptions from orgs about what they would like to get, what they would like to see changed and what we need from them to see that through.
How will we scale to 100's of partner organizations?
If we were a company subcontracts would have added to the funcitionality of OMRS. Would like to get more.
TODO: Partnership role should have conversation with PIH about working forward (Evan & COO?)
Create a list of organizations that are available
Current support organizations page - http://openmrs.org/about/support/
Voting Outcome Update
voting closed and kenya received the most votes (16% more)
encouraged Ghana to resubmit for the 2014 conference (next couple months)
Community Manager Overviewhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oMl_cHoZV-CTDo7dSLA4ILuRpj0EY4ajyxSKhD7f0Ro/edithttps://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GSlIAQ
Next Meeting - February 14