How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
Leads Present Role
- Andy Kanter (15 min)
- Chris Seebregts (15 min)
Meeting Minute
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Paul - Working in Tanzania
Burke - Traveling Back to US from Kenya
Darius - Vacation
- Focus on producing documentation and promoting partnerships - could use some assistance with promotion
- IMO & Columbia Partnership
- Andy working to put together concept note by user group meeting
- Michael worries about the over extension of Paul in regards to relationship manager for partnerships
- CRM - Customer Relationship Management
- Did 30 day trial with SalesForce but without detemination status we can not go past the 30 day trial to get the free version
- C - don't feel we have a defined goal with the partnerships. Feel held back as people want to speak with Paul or toher decision makers
- Need to figure out how to balance the give and take that different partnerships bring to the table.
- Will work on objective outsider documentation
- Been doing alot of work with OCL, IMO, and CIEL
- Discussions with OpenHIE community - tention between curated terminolgy apporach - like CIEL has done for OpenMRS
- Strawman representation of how IMO can help CIEL by #OMRS13
- Do not feel that Columbia will back this - think we might need a PPP
- Chris suggests that Andy and himself talk tomorrow about creating a use case out of the relationship examples Andy is seeing
- Hamish - School of Public Health in Rwanda got operational research grant - Hamish and Richard are PIs