

@Jennifer Antilla
@Grace Potma
@Grace Nakiguli
@Herbert Yiga
@Ivan Nsookwa
@Juliet Wamalwa
@Sharif Magembe



   1. updating wiki with two resources to gather all openmrs related sufficient information

  2. Getting updates from @Zach Elmer about documentation team

 3. Updating wiki  page with new rest api documentation without duplicating the old information 

4. IA for documentation spaces and resources

5. @Ayesh to update us about the on going board of  developing rest api documentation and its progress



GSOD updates

The Proposals were submitted to Google and we are awaiting for feedback from Google. 

Reviewing the trello board
Upgrade package: Land scape review of what documentation exists - Handled by Joshua
Review and update three links -Herbert to complete by next call
Update openmrs passwords -Uthpala
Review and finalise resourse space IA -To be discussed next Monday after the call
Update old rest wiki pages -
Update project management wiki page -Joshua

Openmrs upgrade toolkit: 
There is guidance for a number of countries which need to upgrade. There is a toolkit which is being developed, and it will have key points to all the guidance in addition to what already exists.



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