


   1. updating wiki with two resources to gather all openmrs related sufficient information

  2. Getting updates from @Zach Elmer about documentation team

 3. Updating wiki  page with new rest api documentation without duplicating the old information 

4. IA for documentation spaces and resources

5. @Ayesh to update us about the on going board of  developing rest api documentation and its progress

Jeniffer Antilla, Grace Nakiguli, Herbert Yiga, Antik Kumar, Daniel Kayiwa



GSOD updates

  • Three item are addressed in the documentation work that is being worked on by Rainbow and Monica.

  • -Getting the new developer join the community, -getting the new developer contribute -and getting a developer to join a squad or a sprint

  • To do: Community members should review Rainbow's documentation and find out which work should fit into the getting started as a developer and what suits to be in the volunteer guide

  • To do: Jen to meet with Monica and Rainbow to find out their sentiments before a talk thread is made.

  • Mentors to fill in some Gsod forms before 29th October.

Reviewing the trello board

  • There are some cards in the up next section which need to be worked on, The cards in the work in progress are handled by Grace P and the technical writers

  • Grace B to review the talk posts and invite community members to visit the Trello and find out the high priority cards that need their documentation to be updated

  • Increasing visibility of some upgrade links so that it becomes easy for community members who may be stuck. e.g. https://talk.openmrs.org/t/platform-2-4-release-to-dos-and-release-discussions-thread/30616/71 

  • To do: Herbert to reach out to Cliff so he can include the link in the release notes



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