

  • Grace Nakiguli

  • Kaylin

  • Brett

  • Edwin

  • Jennifer

  • Zuzanna


1.  Reviewing the documentation board: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=245&projectKey=ONBOARDING&view=planning.nodetail&issueLimit=100


2. Technical writing fellows- updates

  • To do: Prioritize getting a technical writing fellow to support the FHIR team to update their getting started guide.


3. Applying project page template to current projects

  • Edwin to update the getting started with documentation page.

  • Grace to reach out to Dictionary Manager squad about using template to update their project page


4. August priorities

  • Promote Guide for the New & Curious on Talk - Grace

  • "Recruitment" Talk post - Brett

  • A we come to the finalization of the project page template and website, we should focus on having a complete getting started guide template by the end of August.