Meeting notes 2021-12-13
Attendees: Hamish, Beth, Debbie, Ian, Steve, Tendo, Dave, Nancy
Establishing Wiki pages
Squad meeting times
Frequency: Start bi-monthly, move to monthly
Tuesdays at 2pm UTC | 9am ET | 6am PT
Next meetings: January 11, 25
What should this squad prioritize?
Reviewed ideas from poll responses
Indicators of successful/not successful use
Effective use
Sample papers - recommended evaluation questions
Data sources - how do we use OpenMRS data?
Process evaluation
Provide a framework to guide people
“Building the capacity” through a community approach to conduct thorough evaluations within OpenMRS implementers would be useful.
Some implementers have it in their contracts/grants agreements to conduct evaluations. For example, the KenyaEMR team is required to conduct evaluations on very specific thematic areas of KenyaEMR
Would it help to have a structured survey of evaluation interests from implementers? That will help us ground the priorities from implementer perspective. The other perspective is OpenMRS central…
Is there also interest in the squad to pursue collaborative evaluation, eg multi country? We may have an opportunity through TAP mechanisms
Evaluation that speaks about the product itself…for example, for OpenMRS 3.x, the interest is to set the reference for implementers for continuous improvements of their distributions...
What action do we want to take?
Survey of implementers' needs - for the next meeting, use Google doc
Wiki page with resources: Evaluation Resources
Repository of studies
Studies (a couple by the end of the year, publishable, internal?)
PIH: data warehouse
OpenMRS 3.x | OHRI
Digital health maturity models
Have people present studies at a squad meeting (John Black, Steve, Nancy)
Four people for an hour, at a squad meeting (25th?)
Evaluation Showcase at a virtual Spring/Summer mini-meeting