Meeting notes 2022-1-11

Meeting notes 2022-1-11


Beth Dunbar, Hamish Fraser, Ian Bacher, Johnblack Kabukye, Ronald Matsiko, Steven Wanyee, Benjamin Akinimoyeje, Jen Antilla, Nancy Puttkammer



1) Review survey of implementers' needs - for the next meeting, use Google doc

2) Review Wiki page with resources: Evaluation Resources

3) Discuss:

 - Creating a Squad Page  
- Planning Next Meetings?
- Have people present studies at a squad meeting (John Black?, Steve, Nancy)? Four people for an hour, at a squad meeting (25th?)  
- Evaluation Showcase at a virtual Spring/Summer mini-meeting
- Creating a Repository of studies - Support Studies (a couple by the end of the year, publishable, internal?)    
- PIH: data warehouse    
- Costing    
- OpenMRS 3.x | OHRI    
- Digital health maturity models


Implementers Needs Assessment Survey

How can we leverage the survey to frame what we are talking about re EMR evaluation?
Johnblack - multiple objectives, topics, and audiences for evaluation, epmphasizing that M&E may have different interests, not of interest to clinicians - focus on the perspective of the clinician
Hamish - can we add a blurb to define the basic scope of what we are describing,  notes that many studies are based on "failure"
Benjamin - emphasizing  defining indicators, defining scope of impact, and target audience, asking about alignment with typical M&E work

Step back/bigger picture questions
What is the purpose of this survey (Nancy) and the squad (Johnblack)?

Questionairre useful for raising the profile of evaluation among the global OpenMRS community
Need for knowing more about what people are doing globally, this squad can promote knowledge sharing, especially with use of showcases
Interest in clinical decision support especially
Few published EMR evaluations, it will be helpful to have these shared

Hamish offered to write a short intro to the survey


Request to add items to the Resources page:   Evaluation Resources

Use the Slack channel ! Thanks Jen https://openmrs.slack.com/archives/C02TF0TP34M

Action items

  • Complete the survey so it is ready to send out

  • Next meeting: Suggested Nancy, Steven, Johnblack, Hamish, Benjamin, requested to give short presentations at the next meeting

  • Determine how to advertise the next meeting