2008ImplementersMeeting Interoperability Challenges

2008ImplementersMeeting Interoperability Challenges


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Interoperability Challenges

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The various Challenges issued to the developer track are summarized below, for a more in-depth look at the Challenges which will include designs, ideas, assumptions, development groups involved and the developers associated to the Challenge follow the challenge link!s.

The purpose of this challenge is to facilitate the interoperability of OpenMRS Express:HIV with other health information systems and applications in order to enable the exchange of raw patient record data between different electronic medical record systems, to provide aggregate data for the computation of reporting indicators, and perform epidemiological analysis through CRIS, a UNAIDS application, and DHIS, a HISP application. The tasks will be implemented using common informatic data standards for information interchange. Specifically, HL7 for patient record messaging and IXF for aggregate data reporting. Required terminologies for semantic data exchange for items such as patient observations and drug orders are described in the appropriate messaging specifications against which this work will be implemented. These specifications are the WHO patient monitoring guidelines for HIV care and ART, the WHO ART patient message specificiation, and the IXF messaging specification from UNAIDS.

...Challenge__Integrated OpenMRS-DHIS-CRIS

summary text

...Challenge__Integrated OpenMRS TB and MDR-TB

summary text

...Challenge__Admissions module and automated workflow