2008ImplementersMeeting Developer Track Home Page

2008ImplementersMeeting Developer Track Home Page

Welcome to the OpenMRS developer Track of the June 2008 Implementers meeting. Here you will find the main resources and groups participating.


Interoperability Challenges]]
The Developer track will run a series of Interoperability Challenges which will be guided/led by a few key groups. These challenged are designed to facilitate the sharing of information functionality through interoperability with open architectures and standards amongst systems

This section will provide a list of tasks and in general the overall progress of the Interoperability Challenges and task

Progress | Groups Page]]
Meet the groups and developers involved in the Developer track and Interoperabiliy Challenges. Find out who is doing what and when they are expecting to get it done| |
Get up-to-date insight into the Developers and the Groups as they make their way through the Challenges and interact with other groups.

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