OWA App Store

Primary Mentor

@Saptarshi Purkayastha

Backup Mentor


GSoC Student


Interested People

@Pascal Brandt @Namrata Nehete @Sandeep Raparthi @Elliott Williams


Since we now have support for Open Web Apps [1], it would be great to put together a library of approved apps that could be downloaded and installed via a convenient user interface inside the OpenMRS web application. We already have Modulus [7] that does this for OpenMRS Modules, so one strategy would be to extend Modulus to also work for OpenMRS Open Web Apps.


  • Extend Modulus backend and API to support uploading and downloading of OWAs

  • Implement App Store UI in OpenMRS OWA Module

Suggest timeline



  1. Open Web Apps Module (source)

  2. Previous GSoC Project Page

  3. Developing an HTML+JS Open Web App Quickly

  4. Open Web App Development Workflow

  5. Yeoman OpenMRS OWA Generator

  6. DHIS2 App Store Web Frontend

  7. OpenMRS Modulus (api docs)

  8. https://talk.openmrs.org/t/modulus-development-training-session/3825