2010-10-07 Leadership Conference Call


07 October 2010

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Andy Kanter

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


Sending a Delegate to IMeCA 2010 in Nicaragua in December (10 min)
National Telehealth Center - Philippines (10 min)
HISP India Training Updates (15 min)
Board of Directors (25 min)

Meeting Minutes

Sending a Delegate to IMeCA 2010 in Nicaragua in December

  • Ben received an e-mail from Joaquin requesting an OpenMRS developer to be present

    • Burke and Darius found the conference very valuable last year

  • CONCLUSION: We will find someone from OpenMRS to send

National Telehealth Center - Philippines

  • Dr. Alvin Marcelo (Director of UP-Manila - National Telehealth Center)

    • Will be showing the Philippine government OpenMRS within a larger presentation about the importance of health informatics

  • ACTION ITEM: OpenMRS will send a letter of support

HISP India Training Updates (10 min)

  • Darius communicated with Sundeep

  • Proposals:

    • Rather than flying out for the training, create weekly opportunities for development training opportunities

      • Suggestions:

      • Setting aside core developer time for technical assistance items

      • Taking time for "office hours" or "lectures"

        • Set aside time each week where core developers are available

          • People can ask questions: i.e. Can you take a look at the module code? How would you approach this issue? etc.

  • ACTION ITEM: Paul and Darius will follow up again with Sundeep

Board of Directors (25 min)

  • ACTION ITEMS for Dawn:

    • Send letters to nominees to either receive an acceptance or decline for the nomination

      • Notify nominators if their nominee declined

    • Compile biographies/portfolios of each nominee