2009 Implementers Group Meeting Program OpenMRS, DHIS, and iHIRS
<html><head><title></title></head><body>= Interoperability between openmrs and XYZ =
Systems to be integrated
Andy Kanter
Note Taker
Justin Miranda
andy Notion: we have several projects using same applications that run on same stack
could talk about sharing data across applications
all of these share the same infrastructure
we could discuss specific use cases for aggregating data for operational / reporting needs
andy we could discuss use cases to build integration instead of interoperability
categorizing site list
for a given institution, series of functions that they needs to do
list of providers (HR functions)
set of household related data
report to MoH
andy not thinking about the big national picture, but rather at an institutional level manage daily operational tasks
openmrs as platform allows
darius community health worker
not storing a proper list of CHWs to allow management to d
daily/weekly report -> preaggregated (how many visits, was generator working?)
how do we store that? openmrs should not handle that, we should store that in DHIS
andy data in EMR
(to manage users is not well developed)
household information is not well developed
Household -> ?
aggregated data (patient or site aggregated data) we don't ask a question
Aggregated data -> DHIS
metadata around facilities (number of nurses, number of beds)
Facility -> ?
census data -> DHIS, CRIS
resource management (human, supply chain)
dhis we should focus the conversation on use cases
roger sharing a backend
darius what are we proposing? libraries to make integration with DHIS possible.
sunni eHealth architecture state health society
integrated view of all the above
demo/mockup (http://lewispages.net/)
Infrastructure -> # beds
Drug Mgt -> stock management system (reporting, ERP)
Patient -> OpenMRS
Financial Management -> ?
Human Resource Management -> iHRIS
License Systems -> ? (licensing for surgery centers?)
used centrally at the
single sign on (one login to
tabs to go between systems
unified UI conventions (prevent users from having to think between systems, where do i find help)?
systems share things between systems (i.e. location)
andy problem with data integrity
need to figure out shared "tables" (locations)
security issues around these metadata tables
concepts need to be shared
how do we move from EMR data element to Indicator data element
two levels of standardization:
concept dictionary (mapped between sites)
rolling up concepts into indicators
rules should be allowed to be used in paper reports as well (standardizing the rules for indictors)
rules need to be more rich to tell the system how to calculate a
use reference standards to define indicators so a system can calculate
start with easiest integration (start with common ground)
openmrs best concept dictionary (well-defined)
how does that repository get moved/mapped between systems
Example: EHR (Snomed)
be attentive of different initiatives
we need to be able to reuse archetype architecture
human resources piece
what's the use case?
list of health workers, doctors, data officers
why do you need that?
use for resource management -> (e.g. moving doctors to the location of a tsunami)
workflow indicators
bill lober HR maintenance -> interesting use cases
how to contact staff (SMS messaging)
what's the use case?
manage list of resources
directly communicate with providers
authenticate people against central registry
ues case: send SMS to CHW to find patients lost to followup
implemented as an LDAP system
health workers
position descriptions
certifications (renewal)
high level functional (no leave balance, no )
andy quality of care indicators
certain providers are seeing a lot of patients, do we need to add providers
map between households and CHWs
richard HR system in Rwanda (where are the doctors, nurses, empty positions)
age range, who is about to retire
nurse/doctor recruitment
health care facilities are public (government contract)
government maintains list of all HR at all sites
chris 2 plug: concept collaborative discussion this afternoon
andy what's the workflow for things like drug management
sunni DHIS handles it decently well, not as fine grained (drug of this quantity will expire on this date)
andy maturity module
plug in different modules as you become able to support them
transition from simple systems (DHIS) to more complex systems
figure out minimal requirements to do things simply and extend
stay agile
darius bolt the applications together through web services
practically speaking that won't be the way
andy use phased approach (use "bolted together" approach)
original scope of discussion: how does this work within one system? not national level?
roger doesn't agree with low-hanging fruit
start with a system that is well-designed (we shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel)
predictive ordering might not be the first thing you think of, but you should get people together to solve it
andy let's not waste energy trying to get "experts" together
we should still
start smaller
remember that there are standards, but don't let those constrain development
don't wait 3 - 5 years to build the ideal solution
? sharing information should be done through APIs (at a first level)
have a single source of data
sync would be a first
andy next steps?
bob three levels of thinking (elaborate)
shared information entities (staff list, facility hierarcy, site list, report definitions, etc).
map system - who owns these entities (gatekeeper)
operational exchange - how do you access/exchange/reject that data
andy governance process
use certain systems as source "gold standard" of information entities
andy haven't talked about financial system
should be able to report an encounter to a
andy worfklow
how do you know when something happens
e.g. mothers are supposed to have immunization before they deliver
based on decision support
business process management (firing events -> actions)
richard add drug list to info entities
information entities
facilities hierarchy
indicators / report elements
? continuation of this discussion through
isaac going to add more use cases to wiki
Next steps
Ola: Further discussions on this topic could be facilitated using the The Global Health Information Network forums. There is already a forum being used for this discussion here. The forum has email notification. Or we could set up an open mailing list (with archives) at googlegroups or similar.
Want to try these applications?
OpenMRS, DHIS, IHRIS (and later also other related applications in this domain) will shortly be made easily available through the Public Health Information Toolkit. The Public Health Information Toolkit (PHIT) is meant to be a self-contained USB pendrive that makes public health tools and frameworks available “out of the boxâ€Â, including content developed by international organizations and networked communities of practice. The starter suite of tools brings together OpenMRS, iHRIS, DHIS2 and OHE. Follow the webpage above for updates on this project.