2010-12-16 Leadership Conference Call


16 December 2010

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


OpenMRS Meetings for 2011 (20 min)

  • Updates from working group

Non-profit Updates

  • Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

OpenMRS Meetings for 2011

  • Reviewed notes/ideas from group discussion amongst Darius, Chris S., Ben, and Dawn in regard to OpenMRS meetings for 2011

    • Two meeting types: 1)Focus on setting the Road Map and 2) Focus on introducing individuals to OpenMRS community and system

    • Location: several factors go into this (cost, major airports in the city/area, hotel costs, someone who can organize locally, etc.)

  • Dawn will contact individuals in the OpenMRS community for local support in these areas

Nonprofit Updates

  • Board of Directors

    • We reviewed the results from the community board position election and will notify the winner shortly

    • We need confirmation from the remaining four board members to finalize our entire board