2010-10-14 Leadership Conference Call


14 October 2010

How To Join

Contact @Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Andy Kanter

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


Certification Process (15 min)

  • Developers, implementers, service organizations

OpenMRS Trainings (15 min)

  • Will we charge fees for trainings and/or sending someone to a conference?

USAID (15 min)

  • Agency for International Development: Information and Communication Technology Training for Developing Country
    Professionals (ICT- T4D) Project

OpenMRS Board of Directors (15 min)

  • Discussion around Paul and Hamish's strawman

Meeting Minutes

Certification Process

  • Requests have been made by individuals and nonprofit, OpenMRS-implementing organizations to find a way to validate their ability to be effective in

  • Two dimensions to consider:

    • Individuals and/or organizations can show clients they are certified in the utilization and implementation of OpenMRS software

    • When training or consultant opportunities are presented to OpenMRS, we can direct requests to certified organizations in that same geographical location

  • Thoughts...

    • Certifications are a great idea

      • One consideration is to make the certification based on practical matters, not merely a written test

        • A test does not speak to people who are great implementers

      • Certifications and trainings for certifications should be done in person as much as possible

      • Different levels of certifications

        • i.e. groups who support OpenMRS system to implement it vs. an OpenMRS basic knowledge test

    • Have proficiencies for organizations so everyone with the certification or those reviewing the certification understand the elements behind it


    • Think about a good place to start this process beyond this discussion

    • Consider having certified trainers as well

    • Make sure the certifications clearly outline:

      • the requirements for the certification

      • what the certificate means (listing competencies)


    • Dawn will research how other open source organizations have developed certifications

OpenMRS Trainings

  • What amount of financial coverage (i.e. pay for providing training, travel expenses, accommodations, etc.) should be provided to send individuals to trainings, conferences, etc?

    • Suggestions:

      • Take an average cost of the one-week work period and compile it into a daily fee that corresponds to the days of the conference.

        • This could be dependent on the type of training: who is giving the training and what the training consists of


    • Dawn will check open source projects who do this and compile it for a reference


  • Discussed RFA that is out now

    • Thoughts about funding and OpenMRS

      • Changes in what government agencies are looking to pay for

      • Think about how we take on larger, collaborative projects and the funding opportunities

OpenMRS Board of Directors

  • Finalized letter to send out to nominees from the Implementers Nomination


    • Dawn will send the letters and start getting an announcement together for the voting process