2018-11-05 Project Management Meeting


  • @Cynthia Antwi

  • @Suthagar Kailayapathy

  • @Juliet Wamalwa

  • @Reuben Varghese

Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet








@Suthagar Kailayapathy, @Sanatt Abrol, @Yusuf Karim

  • GCI page: https://om.rs/gci

  • 574 student

  • 51 tasks currently being worked on

  • A summary page still needs to be created

  • New ideas and thoughts created on Talk forum

  • There are still some mentors who have not interacted with the platform . Warning notice will issued in 2 days.

GCI Summary : https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gci-2018-lets-ready-for-the-contest-google-code-in-2018/20253/3



Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • List of Andela Projects OCL and Order entry

  • As of 22 Oct, there were 9 apprentices working on 2 projects (OCL & Order Entry)

 No update this week

Sync 2.0 (SolDevelo, Jembi)

Jakub Slawinski

  • Reached out to Jakub and awaiting feedback on how best to support them to report better.

  • update the wiki project page with reasonable frequency

  • A summary page of what sync 2.0 is and a visual way of presenting project progress.

  • Have not recieved any feedback from @Jakub SÅ‚awiÅ„ski  regarding this .

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke


@Reuben Varghese cc@Stephen Senkomago Musoke release most modules by the end of this week . Working with Mark for the same

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • Ticket testing for platform 2.2 has began and 1 ticket is already closed.

  • @tendo kiiza Martyn has taken up IDGEN -42 but has not yet completed his task.

Technical Road Map Process



PM tool


  • We could use some more intro tickets




Next week




Action items