2018-04-02 Project Management Meeting


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Futerman

  • Wyclif Luymia

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Burke Mamlin 

Discussion items

Internships: GSoC 2018

@Daniel Futerman

  • One week to let Google know requested number of slots

  • Need mentors to review final proposals - Dan has communicated this

  • Wednesday to hold call to talk about any conflicts (10am EDT)

Internships: Rails Girls Summer of Code

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Daniel not on call

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Progress on Andela spreadsheet

SolDevelo and OCL



  • Rafal's last day was Friday. How will we continue to follow and update on these things?

  • Those overseeing Sync 2.0 (e.g., @Tomasz Mueller) should join this call or report to someone for this call

  • @Jonathan Payne could report on about OCL on these calls to give update (Jamie can reach out)

  • Darius is also trying to start up a sprint with Andela - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/ocl-for-openmrs-application/17044

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Design discussion today after this call

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • Samuel finishing up exams should be available after first week of April

Sync 2.0

@Darius Jazayeri

  • MVP comprises Patient, Encounter (visits & encounters), and Observation

  • Given @Tomasz Mueller what he needs - Darius will follow up to make sure he is set

Sprint: Getting people to Platform 2.X

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Darius is proposing a sprint to help people upgrade to Platform 2.x (Mozambique tried to upgrade to Platform 2.x, but was blocked for various reasons)

  • Talk post

Scrum of Scrums


Project Activities Spreadsheet





Action items

@Jamie Thomas will reach out to Jonathan about joining these calls once a month or giving Jamie updates.