KenyaEMR Distribution

KenyaEMR Distribution






The KenyaEMR is a tailored distribution of OpenMRS which meets the requirements laid out in the Kenya Ministry of Health document: 2011 Kenya EMR Standards and Guidelines. KenyaEMR was originally developed by I-TECH and is currently supported by Palladium Kenya under KHMIS Project. The distribution has been deployed to over 1450 health facilities in Kenya. 


Official website



Release on GitHub

Bug tracker

Maintained through JIRA platform

Source code

Github Repo

Demo Site

KenyaEMR Demo site

Username: Testuser

Password: Test1234



Sites that are part of the official rollout will receive KenyaEMR as part of a complete appliance release. This is the recommended way to deploy KenyaEMR in a production environment as the appliance provides other important functionalities such as automated backups. However, KenyaEMR can also easily be installed as a distribution release (a set of modules) or built from the source code.

See KenyaEMR Installation Guide for more information.


The modules that make up this distribution are a mixture of distribution-specific modules, modules that are potentially re-usable by other distributions, and other general-purpose community modules.

See KenyaEMR Distribution Modules for more information


We expect other organizations implementing KenyaEMR will want to customize it by adding additional content specific to their sites. KenyaEMR has been designed with this in mind and has an API that allows add-on modules to add new content such as forms and reports. We strongly encourage developers who plan to do this to join the official mailing list so that they are notified of changes to KenyaEMR and it's API.

See KenyaEMR Developer Guide for more information.

User interface

KenyaEMR uses the new OpenMRS UI Framework module to create an entirely new point-of-care oriented user interface. Many of the fragments, decorators, stylesheets, icons, and scripts are maintained in a separate module called Kenya UI which allows them to be more easily reused in different projects, especially add-on modules.

See KenyaUI Module for more information.


KenyaEMR Deployment Geomap (as of Sep 2021)


Implementation Summary 


KenyaEMR is deployed in 44 out of 47 counties in Kenya, supported by 33 service delivery partners (SDPs)


Total ART patients being managed through the system is estimated at more than 80%


(source: National Integrated Data Warehouse)




KenyaEMR Deployment Geomap (as of Sep 2021)


Implementation Summary 


KenyaEMR is deployed in 44 out of 47 counties in Kenya, supported by 33 service delivery partners (SDPs)


Total ART patients being managed through the system is estimated at more than 80%


(source: National Integrated Data Warehouse)




Integration with other systems

KenyaEMR supports seamless data exchange with other systems within HIS ecosystem through an interoperability layer (IL) which acts as an information broker between systems while enforcing standards. Supported systems include:


  • ARV Dispensing Tool (ADT):  KenyaEMR supports patient registration and prescription information exchange with ADT tool normally used in the pharmacy. 


  • mHealth Systems: KenyaEMR supports data exchange with mHealth systems i.e. Mobile Lab (mLab) and Text for Adherence (T4A). The current KenyaEMR version supports automatic streaming of Viral Load results from national reference labs directly into the patient's record. It also supports sending of appointment reminder messages to  patients through T4A systems


  • Automated Indicator Reporting (AIR): Through Interoperability Layer application, KenyaEMR supports direct reporting of the Ministry of Health (MoH) indicators from local facility to national reporting repository (DHIS2) and Platform for Partner Progress Monitoring (3PM) aggregate reporting.


  • Mobile Applications: KenyaEMR seamlessly integrates with selected open-source mobile applications to support electronic HIV Testing & Counselling (eHTS) services for both facility and community HTS services. Applications currently supported include mUzima and AfyaStat (which is a CHT distribution)  application. 


  • EID/VL Systems:  KenyaEMR interoperate with EID/VL systems to facilitate remote sample logging at the facility and real-time streaming of test results from the EID systems into KenyaEMR.


NB: More efforts still being focused on further integration with other systems in the country. 

Sample Interface Screenshots






















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