OWA Generator Improvement Project
Primary Mentor | @Pascal Brandt |
Backup Mentor | @Lars Albino Lemos |
GSoC Student | TBD |
Interested People | @Darius Jazayeri, @Rafal Korytkowski |
The OWA Generator is a tool that uses Yeoman to scaffold an OpenMRS Open Web App. The goal of this project is to make it as easy as possible for a developer with some knowledge of EHRs and JavaScript to build an app on top of the OpenMRS platform. It should be very easy to get a development and test environment set up and help should be easy to access and understand.
Project Champions
@Pascal Brandt
Skills Needed
JavaScript programming [1]
Knows how to ask good questions [2, 3] and avoids help vampirism [4]
See this
Ensure Angular/React best practices are followed
Ensure testing environment is scaffolded
Create OpenMRS components (e.g. for login, patient search, etc.)
Add FHIR support (possibly with fhir.js)
Provide feedback for the documentation project
Stay active in the OpenMRS community
Keep contributing code
Open Source citizenship
Extra Credit
Great developer documentation (manuals, videos, etc)
Example library
Include VueJS and/or other frameworks
Suggested timeline