Anonymous Patient Registration Project

Anonymous Patient Registration Project

Primary mentor

@Sara Fatima

Backup mentor


Assigned to



In some circumstances, there can be a need to register a patient anonymously i.e without providing the required demographic data about them, the reason could be because the patient was brought into the clinic while they were unconscious. This feature has been implemented in PIH's Mirebalais implementation, but it is not configured correctly to work out of the box in the OpenMRS Reference Application.

The goals of this project are (1) to make this feature work out of the box in the Reference Application, and (2) to bring parts of the code that supports this feature into the core OpenMRS platform.

Note: Currently the feature to register an anonymous patient is turned on by default in the reference application (see resources section for pointers on this). However this path is broken and hence one cannot complete the workflow to register an unidentified patient. You can try this at demo.openmrs.org

Project Champions

  • @Mark Goodrich

Skills Needed

  • Decent java coding skills.

  • Good understanding of patient registration workflow in OpenMRS.

  • The developer should be comfortable with UI technologies in OpenMRS.

  • Ability to work with minimal supervision


  • Find out the required modules to get the feature working in the reference application, you might want to reach out to the Partners In Health folks.

  • Identify what configurations need to be made to get the feature working out of the box in the reference application

  • Figure out which path to take in order to have the feature in the platform, this would involve determining whether implementations of the feature can be moved to the openmrs-core codebase, or if the respective modules should be bundled with the OpenMRS Platform.

  • Implement the path chosen above.

Extra Credit





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