2018-08-13 Project Management Meeting


  • @Daniel Futerman

  • @Cynthia Antwi

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Irene Nyakate

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Samuel Male

Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet







Internships: GSoC 2018

@Daniel Futerman

  • Final evaluations close tomorrow (14 August)

  • Mentor evaluations begin tomorrow

  • Mentor summit planning

    • Google allowing GCI admin in addition

    • Daniel F will give an update to Larry

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • List of Andela Projects

  • Daniel K. will push product owners to set initial release date and help teams work backwards to meet that target

  • Darius worked with OCL team to define all tickets needed for MVP

Sync 2.0 (SolDevelo, Jembi)

Jakub Slawinski

  • Daily updates were on this thread: Sync 2.0 Project daily stand-ups

  • SolDevelo waiting for digital square notice b award to restart our Sync2 involvement

  • As of 6 August, Jembi planned to reach out to SolDevelo to get update on where things stand and how to move things forward

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

Technical Road Map Process


  • Having discussions on how to (re)define a roadmap process that will work better for the community.

  • Planning on getting input prior to Scrum of Scrums on 11 September.

  • Cynthia is leading effort in defining the process and is reaching out to various parties to get their input.

  • Cynthia will be working with volunteer business analysts through the process.



  • Scrum of Scrums - scheduled for 11 September. Cynthia reaching out to organizations to join.

  • Last couple weeks of todos

    Cynthia to work with Dan on developing plan/process on how to transition work from GSoC into community development
    Daniel to arrange intro to Cynthia for Andela to figure out appropriate engagement for Cynthia on this work
    Relook at the 'technical needs' that may need core technical support 
    @Stephen Senkomago Musoke to post to Talk about ideas from Ref App 2.9 and keep Reuben linked into this

Next week




Action items