2013-04-11 Leadership Call


11 April 2012

How To Join

Contact @Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.


  • Paul's Role Overview

  • Future operational Plans

Meeting Minute

View at notes.openmrs.org


  • Jamie Thomas

  • Michael Downey

  • Paul Biondich

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Hamish Fraser


  • Michael Seaton

  • Andy Kanter


  • AOB

    • Nepal looking at OpenMRS Reference Application in hospitals

    • Need full time PM/BA on the collaboartive aspect

  • Executive Director Role - Paul

    • Will be putting this on hold until next week or whenever we have most of the group

  • Future Operational Plan

    • Support Roles

      • Document Support Role

      • Application Development Lead

      • Release Manager

    • Want to talk about this again when there is more people on the call

    • Paul gave board a broad layout of a plan for the short term future

      • Support

        • For instance giving support the person leading up infrastructure team/Michael

          • Michael looking at some grants and projects that can help to support us, be innovationve, and the science of community management

        • Certain strategies for surges where community needs support i.e. supporting Darius to get Reference Application out the door

      • Implementers Meeting Costs

        • want to be able to bank some of those dollars to work against

        • Chris suggests seeking core funding as well so that we make sure we are not risking our infrastructure

      • Infrastructure

        • Dynamic could be that OMRS helps to match make and help to facilitate activites

          • i.e. Nepal looking to implement in hospitals in Nepal spoke to IRD and TW today

          • They are in need of a robust Reference Application

        • Donations through OpenMRS

        • Fund Raising

  • Reference Application - Darius


      • first sprint of work realized that the operational plan needs work

        • up front work we need to pull OMRS info from Mirebalais without breaking it

        • in short term want to incorporate core devs/OMRS team into Mirebalais team to create an effective working process

        • End of June need OMRS Reference Application process team as PIH steps away and continues Mirebalais work

        • Paul believes that volunteers should be deferred to OMRS/Chris Power so he can give them guidance on projects

  • Next week 

    • Executive Director Role