UC 05 Take Action on Concept Proposals

CPM Requirements

Brief Description

Any user should be able to view concept proposals. A user can update and re-submit a concept proposal.

Only dictionary administrators can take action on submitted concept proposals.

Concept Proposal Actions:

  • Update concept proposal - add or change concept proposal details in the same manner as creating a full concept proposal

  • Validate concept proposal - ensure that the proposal contains all information needed to create a concept from it.

  • Approve/Create Concept - edit proposal and create a concept from the proposal

  • Approve/Map Concept name-edit proposal and map concept name to existing concept

  • Cancel / ignore - discard concept proposal

  • invalid / needs more detail - sends notification back to submitter that more detail is needs for the concept proposal

Concept proposal statuses:

  • new submission - awaiting review

  • under review

  • accepted

  • rejected

  • Waiting for more detail

  • re-submitted