2013-04-18 Leadership Call


18 April 2013

How To Join

Contact @Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.


  • Executive Director Role

  • Rwanda Update

  • Call Time Discussion

  • Reference Application Update

Meeting Minutes

View at notes.openmrs.org


  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Jamie Thomas

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Andy Kanter

  • Burke Mamlin


  • Executive Director Role

  • Rwanda Update

  • Call Time Discussion

  • Reference Application Update


  • Executive Director Role

    • Paul will be putting up a wiki page about his role and its focus

    • Main Areas

      • Oversite and Managment of Non-for-profit

        • Will be getting a letter from the IRS any day now with questions to respond to

        • Setting up bank account

        • Setting up accounting firm

        • Setting up basic contract template

        • Working on insurance

          • Paul does not see being the Executive Director after 2-3 years so that someone with different skills and focus can help to make OpenMRS grow. (spend 4-5 hours a week on this role itself, not community work, calls, etc.)

      • Help Develop Community Leadership Structure and Activities

        • Believe having a collection of community roles and responsibilities that will grow over time

        • Think we need to work towards a structure of having lieutenants under the core leaders for support and growth

        • Would like to see more mechanisms for people who are not developers to grow into roles of responsibility - strategically placed internships?

        • Have a process to help support and oversee the leadership

      • Strategic Planning for Community

        • There are overarching strategic activities that need assistance to be driven

        • Help to assist in driving the Community Road Map forward

        • Fund Raising

          • Hamish and I have been looking at ways to attack fund raising from different angles; partnership side, key foundational support, philanthropies that are looing to support our area of focus

          • Look at making new contacts/relationships through networking and leveraging our exsisiting relationships

      • Networking

        • Serving in the capacity of representing OMRS at events

        • Particlular role at the implementers meeting as being the face of OMRS

  • Rwanda Update

  • Reference Application Update

    • Yesterday was first Reference Applicaiton meeting with Wyclif, Rafal, TW

    • The idea is to bring them on the Mirebalis calls so the can learn, disucss/developp and approach, and break off on their own.

  • Current Leadership Call Time

    • Thursday 2pm - Does this time work with peoples schedule?

    • Chris - Would prefer it during working hours, AM hours US.

    • Hamish - Not a bad time for me. Can do 8 or 9 sometime during the week.

    • Andy - This time works for me and Friday's are a bit free.

    • Day of the week less travel? Hard to predict

    • TODO: Jamie will send out doodle poll

    • Make sure doodle poll take care of the time change