OpenMRS Android Client Feature Parity and Improvements - GSoC 2017

OpenMRS Android Client Feature Parity and Improvements - GSoC 2017

Primary mentor

@Avijit Ghosh

Backup mentor


Assigned to



During GSoC 2016, the Android app was improved with features including Forms and Patient Registration. For GSoC 2017, we will focus on bringing feature parity with the web client and making the client more useful for actual implementations.

Skills Needed

Android, Java


1. The Provider Module is a large feature request by the community. Our primary motive will be to implement the provider module in the app. Read more:


2. Feedback /Bug Report System:

Ideally, an automatic Jira issue will be created with the bug details. Duplicate issues will not be posted. We could investigate other ways of dealing with reports instead of flooding JIRA. Implementation is upto the student.

3. Vitals:

Currently Vitals do not have other information attached with them. We are looking for improvements like adding doctor information, generation of patient report (probably as pdf) and ability to send them to other doctors.

4. Visual Improvememts:

a. The Vital Data can be better represented using a chart for Vital history.
b. Other small improvements, like using TextInputLayout from the design library instead of the normal edittext in forms.

5. Scheduled Queries: The Android App does not have the Scheduled Queries function as the web app. This could be implemented.

Extra Credit

Analytics - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/google-analytics-for-android-client/6070/3

We want to create a way for the Android app to collect important usage data and report it back to the local server, so that the sysadmin can look at the Analytics. The extra credit will be for making the Analytics viewing system on both the app and the admin panel. Note: We will not use Google Analytics but will develop our own system so that we can have the data in the local openmrs server.



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