Anonymous Patient Registration Project Documentation

Anonymous Patient Registration Project Documentation


Openmrs supports registration of unknown patients. Project objectives are to make this function work out of the box for reference application and move unknown patient registration functionality to the openmrs-core by removing its dependency to modules.

Running the project

  1. Build Platform

    Clone: git clone https://github.com/nipunthathsara/openmrs-core.git

    Checkout branch: git checkout b-2.0.5

    Build: mvn clean install -U -DskipTests (Build core first and update maven local repository (.m2) to build other modules)

  2. Copy openmrs.war file from openmrs-core/webapp/target/ directory to <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/ directory

    Restart the server.

    Go to http://localhost:8080/openmrs

    Install the web application.

  3. Build RegistrationCore module

    Clone: git clone https://github.com/nipunthathsara/openmrs-module-registrationcore.git

    Checkout branch: git checkout b-1.7.1

    Build: mvn clean install -DskipTests


  4. Build RegistrationApp module

    Clone: git clone https://github.com/nipunthathsara/openmrs-module-registrationapp.git

    Checkout: git checkout b-1.8.0

    Build: mvn clean install -DskipTests


  5. Download other required modules


    Extract the zip file into ~/.Openmrs/modules directory.

    Delete registrationapp-1.8.0.omod and registrationcore-1.7.1.omod from the extracted directory.

    Replace them with your build artifacts. (copy registrationapp-1.8.0.omod from openmrs-module-registrationapp/omod/target/ to ~/.Openmrs/modules/ directory) (copy registrationcore-1.7.1.omod from openmrs-module-registrationcore/omod/target/ to ~/.Openmrs/modules/ directory)

  6. Restart the server (Tomcat)

       Note : If an exception like this appears, org.apache.jasper.JasperException:/WEB-INF/view/uncaughtException.jsp(line:9,column:0)Unabletofindtaglib"c"forURI:/WEB- INF/view/module/legacyui/taglibs/c-rt.tld

       Simply re-start the server (Tomcat).



  1. Re-write unit tests

  2. Re-write validations to address the changes

Release Notes



This project was developed for Google Summer of Code 2017 by Nipun Thathsara, mentored by Sara Fatima.




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