OpenMRS SDK Road Map

This is a draft road map for the OpenMRS SDK

  • Install SDK and report version (omrs-version)

  • Create a module (omrs-create-module)

  • Support all major operating systems (Mac, Windows, Linux)

  • Deploy module locally (omrs-run)

  • Upgrade SDK from command line (omrs-update)

  • Update local deployment with changes (can require an extra step; instant changes can come later)

  • Embed Google Analytics so we can track usage of the SDK (should fail gracefully and allow opt-out, of course, just like Atlassian SDK)

  • Invite (ideally, signup from command line) to mailing list(s)

  • Auto-update SDK (check for & suggest SDK update when any command is run)

  • Test module locally

  • Submit module to repository

  • Auto-update local projects when newer SDK is run against them

  • ...