OpenMRS Wiki
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GSoC 2023: Implementing the Print Feature on OpenMRS 3 - Final Evaluation
GSoC 2023: Improving the OpenMRS Developer Experience: Updating the SDK
GSoC 2022: Improving 3.x E2E Tests
GSoC 2022: Redo Legacy UI Cohort Builder
Migrating from OpenMRS ID to a new SSO System
CCD Implementation Documentation
Archived Projects
Ad Hoc Analysis Tool (Design Page)
Add On Management OWA
Add UI Unit Testing Design
Advanced Concept Management
Anatomical Drawing Custom Datatype (Design Page)
BIRT 2.0
Blocking Algorithm for Patient Registration
CDA-based Clinical Patient Summary Import and Export
Centralized Auditing (Design Page)
Change relationship for multiple patients at once
Chart Search for the Reference Application - Phase 2
Cohort Builder 2.0
Cohort Builder Replacement (Design Page) or Reporting Module User Interface
Cohort Module
Cohort Queries as a Pentaho Reporting Data Source
Community Support Resources
Concept Dataset Generation Maven Plugin
Configurable Clinical Summary
Consuming FHIR Resources for OpenMRS
Data Aggregation Module
Data Import using eSaude Data Migration Tool
Data Migration & ETL Module (Design Page)
Data Set Viewer in Reporting Module
Database Synchronization with Symmetric DS
DHIS2Report SQL Query Enhancements
DHISreport Module 2.0 - Integration with Reporting Module
Distro Tools Maven Plugin
Draft Forms Project
Dynamic List Entry Tags and Widgets
Emergency Department Triage Application
Epic - Reference Application
Execute Database Updates Module (Design Page)
Expanded Cohort Features
Expanding on Coded Value Sources in obs
Filtering Forms on Dashboard (Design Page)
General Feedback Mechanism (Design Page)
Graphic Patient Workflow Tool
Groovy Calculation Module
GSOC 2011 Localization of initial setup and update wizard
Human Resources Module
Implement the OAuth2 Support for Web Services APIs
Improve the new OpenMRS Style Guide
Improved Person Attribute Types
Improvements to the OpenMRS OHDSI module
In-page Localization (Design Page)
Integrate Registration Module with a Master Patient Index
Integration of OpenMRS with OpenEMPI Module
JavaScript Ecosystem
Laboratory Information System Interoperability (Design Page)
Laboratory Module
Logging Errors to the Database
Message Delivery Triggered by Conditions within OpenMRS
Metadata Sharing Server Project
Migration of Legacy UI to the module
Mobile Device Monitoring System