Patient Narratives Module - Detailed Guide

Patient Narratives Module - Detailed Guide

Instructions for the Admin

Add required Roles and Privileges

Administrators need to apply following privileges for particular user roles to function the module properly.

  • Add Patient Narratives: Able to submit Patient Narratives <-- This privilege will be needed to submit Patient Narratives, So the Admin need to add this to even Anonymous role.

  • Manage Patient Narratives: Able to manage the Patient Narratives <-- The users who are privileged with this one will be able to see the care provider console and manage it. So basically Provider role should bear this privilege.

  • Configure Patient Narratives: Able to admin the Patient Narratives Module <-- The users who are privileged with this will able to configure Patient Narratives Module settings. (Changing Forms, Change default patient Id, default encounter Id, etc)

Add required Concepts to Concept Dictionary

Design X Form or HTML Form as needed







Configure Module Settings

Instructions for the Users (Patients)








Instructions for the Care Providers