2020-07-27 Project Management Meeting
Jul 27, 2020
@Herbert Yiga
@Grace Potma
@Juliet Wamalwa
@Tendo Martyn
@Grace Nakiguli
@Cliff Gitta
@Jennifer Antilla
@Sharif Magembe
@Moses Mutesasira
@Ian Bacher
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
GSOC | @Suthagar Kailayapathy @Moses Mutesasira | The second coding period is done. Evaluation is going on this week. All work is progressing well |
Platform and reference Release updates | @Jennifer Antilla @Sharif Magembe @CLIFF GITA | Platform Release |
OCL for OpenMRS updates | @Grace Potma | Work is progressing and hopefully by the end of the month the team will be done with some tickets and bugs will be fixed |
GSOD updates | @Herbert Yiga, @grace nakiguli | We are in the project review period and we hope to come up with a final project to be sent to Google before the end of the week |
Review SOP for posting notes and videos after meetings | @Jennifer Antilla | A standard operation procedure has been developed to guide all squads and teams on how to write note. The PM squad will come up with a conclusive way of taking and Saving notes on the wiki. |
Feedback on suggestion to post Release Dates, Sprint Dates in a live Confluence Calendar | @Grace Potma |
Evaluating design systems and style guides | @Jennifer Antilla @grace | Invitation for someone to join @grace in evaluating several Design Systems and Style Guides (first pass needs to be done next week): Task: review several Style Guides and paste examples to help with analysis (Analysis Framework set up here ). Grace Potma to create a talk thread inviting members to support in this. |
Action items