2020-09-14 Project Management Meeting
Sep 14, 2020
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
1. Herbert Yiga
2. Grace Nakiguli
3. Jennifer Antilla
4. Sharif Magembe
5. Dan Kayiwa
6. Juliet Wamalwa
7. Sutharga
8. Moses Mutesasira
9. Cliff GitaRegrets
1. Grace PotmaAgenda
1.GSOC updates
The GSOC students completed their work successfully and the payments will be made soon. 8 of the students will be promoted to dev 2 level2.OCL updates
There was a quiet release on Friday.
Concerning the on boarding for OCL, Some tickets have been picked by the squad and somehow Juliet got blocked and hopefully she will be unblocked and continue with the other tickets.3.GSOD updates
The official communication on beginning to write (by the technical writers), officially will be received today.4.Ref app release updates.
Modules are being released. Module maintainers are called upon to update the wiki page. After releasing them, a sprint will be formed for testing. Sharif to work with QA team and give feedback in the next meeting.
5.Platform release updates
The coming week, the alpha release will be made although there is still a blocker which hopefully will be fixed before the release is madeA.O.B
Some changes made by Rainbow. Community members are invited to review the work on the link.
https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsod-2020-improving-technical-documentation-for-new-developers/29916/37openmrs fellowship program
Several applications have been received. In the next two days the fellow mentors will be offered the role.
The selection committee will then review and contact dev fellow applicants
By the end of September, all dev fellows and fellow mentors will be announced.PM dash board
The PM team needs to come up with a dash board which can be reviewed every week. This will help to know if members who are contributing to any of the squads need any help and see how easily they can be helped
Bamboo dashboard: https://ci.openmrs.org/allPlans.action
Jira dashboard: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=15351
Squad dashboard: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=15252
Action items