2020-11-02 Project Management Meeting

2020-11-02 Project Management Meeting


Nov 2, 2020


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


 Grace Nakiguli, Herbert Yiga, Cliff Gita

Grace Potma

1.Documentation updates

  • Documentation goals to be updated tomorrow. 

  • Herbert to reach out to the technical writers. 

  • Final reports to be submitted by 30th November

2.OCL updates

3.Reff app release updates

  • To do: Herbert to reach out to the team so they can give feedback on their progress via talk.

4.Platform release updates

  • Testing was done and waitng for feedback from an implementer on the PR which was posted

  • Cliff to remind Mark to push the implementer for feedback

5.Review builds, backlogs, and ongoing sprints in the new PM dashboard here:

  • To do: Herbert to reach to Grace Potma for the CI builds and other builds that are failing