2020-11-02 Project Management Meeting
Nov 2, 2020
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
 Grace Nakiguli, Herbert Yiga, Cliff Gita
Grace Potma
1.Documentation updates
Documentation goals to be updated tomorrow.Â
Herbert to reach out to the technical writers.Â
Final reports to be submitted by 30th November
2.OCL updates
Mvp+ version has been promoted from the QA to staging serverÂ
To do: Suruchi and Grace Potma to perform further tests
A demo video on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1zIBj4DsFM&t=2674s&ab_channel=OpenMRS
3.Reff app release updates
To do: Herbert to reach out to the team so they can give feedback on their progress via talk.
4.Platform release updates
Testing was done and waitng for feedback from an implementer on the PR which was posted
Cliff to remind Mark to push the implementer for feedback
5.Review builds, backlogs, and ongoing sprints in the new PM dashboard here:
To do: Herbert to reach to Grace Potma for the CI builds and other builds that are failing
QA call on Tuesday will be attended by founder of the Mozilla Firefox QA program. He will be sharing advise with the team on QA and OSS. You are all invited.
Design forum today at 8PM EAT. Automation testing training will be done by @kjoseph. Join the call in case you are interested in running selenium tests.
Squad Show case. Kindly vote your best team by filling in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegZ5BWGnLT6xPL63XMiqkUK-uW4r6PQv9Q_BwBE3IsnglqVw/viewform