2020-02-17 Project Management Meeting

2020-02-17 Project Management Meeting


@Jennifer Antilla

@tendo kiiza Martyn

@Christine Gichuki

@Daniel Kayiwa

@Juliet Wamalwa

@Herbert Yiga


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


  • OpenMRS Reference Application QA process.

  • FHIR Squad Design Forum

  • Aims of OCL Onboarding

  • GSOC

  • Documentation

Discussion Items







Ref App Quality Assurance

@Herbert Yiga @Christine Gichuki

@Christine Gichuki has been in touch with two people who will assist with testing the ref app beforethe final release of the RefApp.                                     @Herbert Yiga@Christine Gichuki and other 2 volunteers  are having a meeting tomorrow (18/2/2020) concerning the Testing process which will be done in a two weeks sprint.

FHIR Squad

@Ian Bacher

The FHIR Design Forum scheduled for 17/02/2020 has been postponed to 24/02/2020.

OCL for OpenMRS onboarding

@Herbert Yiga

@Lincoln Karuhanga will be available on Wednesdays from 12:00 EAT. and @Herbert Yiga was tasked to find out how long he will be available on Wednesdays. 

- All volunteers interested in onboarding process to complete the React tutorials and go through the OCL documentation before the onboarding sessions.

Assign tasks/bugs that require use of React skills and complete them with assistance from @Lincoln Karuhanga  and @Daniel Kayiwa 


@Juliet Wamalwa

We need a space where all of the tasks for re-organizing the Wiki can be found. This will let others pick up work and we can track what has been done and what is outstanding. @Muhammad Arslancan go over this with us and help orient people as needed. This week's documentation meeting can look at the tasks laid out on Trello.


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