2020-11-16 Project Management Meeting

2020-11-16 Project Management Meeting


Nov 16, 2020


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Herbert, Daniel, Grace P, Grace B, Herbert , Juliet, Cliff, Sharif, Moses, Tendo,


1. Documentation updates
The documentation call is on tomorrow

2.OCL updates
Need to complete the mvp release
Localization of Concepts

3. Reff app release updates
Planning for all modules released Thursday; then testing out 2.11 snapshot
Sharif has been following up with Kaweesi re. could 70% of QA be tested? We'll likely need to now pull in more people to help w/ testing
Automation tests update: 
All addons updated https://addons.openmrs.org/list/refapp_2.10
See Sprint Board: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=236&view=planning.nodetail&selectedIssue=RATEST-60&issueLimit=100

4. Platform release updates
Blocker: PR not yet merged- waiting for Ian to respond. https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-core/pull/3619#discussion_r523777995
Cliff to reach out to Ian on slack

5.Review builds,
Platform 3.3, 2.3 build was not passing
SDK build is failing

Selecting Mentors, brainstorming projects - discuss in more detail in next call
Orgs expected to start applications by end of January - all projects and wiki pages should be set up by then
TODO: Moses to post about this on Talk



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