2020-10-19 Project Management Meeting


Oct 19, 2020


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects



1.Herbert Yiga

2. Grace Nakiguli

3. Grace Potma

4. Jennifer Antilla

5. Suruchi

6. Daniel Kayiwa

7. Tendo Martyn

8. Juliet Wamalwa

9. Sharif Magembe

10. Moses Mutesasira

11. Cliff Gitta



1.Documentation updates
The GSOD students are progressing well and are posting their weekly reports. We do encourage members to revise their work, advise and encourage them.
TODO: Review and comment on Rainbow's draft developer guidance: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zDFy6HOf4M4ESZdj6AuF017JdD_-gcetiAE7kFueZw0/edit#
TODO: Review and comment on Meeting Conventions shared on Talk:https://talk.openmrs.org/t/how-to-host-openmrs-meetings-proposing-draft-community-convention-around-meetings/30580/3

2.OCL updates
Recently had someone from the original OCL dev team connect with squad. Lesson learned: have more detailed technical check ins from OCL developer team
Work on sources continues, hope that someone wants to use SNOMED, etc will emerge

3.Reff app release updates
First testing sprint ended
Focus was on manual testing, with some automated testing
Automated testing will continue this week
Today's Design Forum will review issues 
Testing process: QA tickets still need review
Tickets to be handled for the automated tests https://issues.openmrs.org/projects/RATEST/issues/RATEST-66?filter=allopenissues
Tickets with Fix Version RefApp 2.11.0: https://issues.openmrs.org/issues/?filter=22951

4.Platform release updates
The release was delayed by the standalone and the blockers will be dealt with as advised by the TAC.
TODO: Alpha release for people to test

5.About what transpired at the Implementers' Showcase
The first implementers' showcase took place last week. Different implementers presented and those who were unable to join can still watch the video here.
Video & Slides: https://youtu.be/EpeTUgLSKtg
Survey: https://forms.gle/neM1xsqrzpvR4YJu9
Summary is to come

6.Review builds on either ci.openmrs.org or on the new PM dashboard
OpenMRS PM JIRA Dashboard https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=15650