2020-08-17 Project Management Meeting


Aug 17, 2020



  1. Herbert Yiga

  2. Grace Nakiguli

  3. Grace Potma

  4. Tendo Martyn

  5. JenniferAntilla

  6. Dan Kayiwa

  7. Cliff Gitta

  8. Juliet Wamalwa

  9. Sharif Magembe



  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects

Discussion items








@Suthagar Kailayapathy @Moses Mutesasira


Platform Release updates

@Jennifer Antilla


The previous week was spent testing the configurations with openmrs API. This week will also be spent testing openmrs with the postgre . Any member in the community is welcome to help Cliff in this activity.

OCL for OpenMRS updates

@Grace Potma


The Ocl squad has been involved in testing throughout the previous week. 

GSOD updates

@Herbert Yiga, @grace nakiguli

GSOD Sent updates for the best technical writers. Rainbow and Saurabh were chosen with two different projects. 

  1. @rainbow

Project name:  Improving OpenMRS Technical Documentations for New Developers
2. @saurabh
Project name:  Extending User Friendly Github Documentation for REST API.

About openmrs interns

@Jennifer Antilla

@ Grace Potma

This program is run by Susannah with over 100 interns. She proposed that if possible, openmrs could provide low complex tickets for the interns. Herbert to meet with her to know more about the skills that the interns have, so that they can be helped accordingly.

Feed back from the openmrs squad show case


@Grace Potma

It was very educative for those who joined. In case anyone has additional feedback to share, please reach out to Grace Potma

Reference App updates

@Sharif Magembe

A thread was made on talk asking for a mentor who can mentor Sharif and Moses volunteered. Another mentor is needed to work along with Sharif and Moses, just in case one is busy, the other can backup Sharif for the smooth running of the project. More community members are welcome to test the functionality of the the app. However
Sharif to reach out to the QA team for more help with the testing. Tendo Will also join in to help with the testing. 
Release timeline is needed to guide the squads. Sharif to create a talk thread about the timeline.
In case you need to track the progress of the Ref app, check out https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/Reference+Application+2.11.0+Release+Issue+Tracking





Action items