2010-03-04 Developers Conference Call
4 March 2010
How To Join
We are using a new teleconference service. Please use the following information to join us.
US telephone number:+1-712-432-0075*
Access code:*707531 #
Before the call begins, add the Skype user ID*freeconferencing. It will automatically appear "online" in your Skype contact list.
Start a regular Skype voice call to this user.
When instructed, use the numeric dial/keypad in Skype to enter the access code followed by the pound symbol:*707531 #
*Note: If you are participating via Skype, please use a headset/microphone, or at minimum earphones/headphones.
When instructed, use the numeric dial/keypad in Skype to enter the access code followed by the pound symbol:*707531 #
*Note: If you are participating via Skype, please use a headset/microphone, or at minimum earphones/headphones.
A backchannel meta-discussion during the meeting occurs on the #OpenMRS IRC channel.
In Attendance
Hamish Fraser
Andy Kanter
Michael Kopinsky
Heather LaGarde
Win Ribeka
<!--Tammy Dugan
Simon Peter Muwanga
Mike Seaton
Yati Tandon
Aliya Walji
Ben Wolfe
Quickly review previous meeting minutes
Update on 1.6 release
GSoC 2010 applications for organizations due between March 8th and 12th - http://socghop.appspot.com/
Update on OASYS messaging project
Initial roundtable discussion about the OpenMRS online community resources:
Michael Downey's strategy proposal
Information/knowledge management
Collaboration tools
Developer tools
"Marketing" information about the product
After-action review & next week's agenda
Note: Daylight Saving Time begins 14-March in the US
1.6 release update
Darius has a question on a few tickets that are blocking 1.6 release:
Ticket 2103 - Concept Name/Description/Synonyms don't display correctly. Jeremy & Ada are working to assess the impact of this issue.
Ticket 1725 - Adding Deactivate/Reactivate or Retire/Unretire Options in User Form. Darius would like someone to go over this and confirm his comments or add others if possible. Sy will work on this.
If these tickets require work, it may delay RC1 until next week.
RC1 should stay out for at least a week of actual use. If nothing gets filed, move to final release.
GSoC 2010
Michael will handle the application for GSoC this year. Burke will get him the materials from last year to use as a template.
Applications for organizations will be accepted next week.
The following people will be mentors (and maybe others): Ben, Darius, Win, Wyclif, Sy, Jeremy. If you are willing to be a mentor this year, please contact Michael.
OASYS update
Zeshan gave an update on the OASYS project. Development is underway.
The team sent out an update to the developers list a few days ago and is hoping to get feedback ASAP.
Everyone is encouraged to review and comment on the requirements documents that have been posted to the wiki.
Web strategy
The meetings are going well, but we need to make sure people on the phone and on Skype have more opportunity to speak up. More pauses would help.
IRC is useful. More people should get on IRC during the meetings.
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download