2010-03-04 Developers Conference Call


4 March 2010

How To Join

We are using a new teleconference service. Please use the following information to join us.


US telephone number:+1-712-432-0075*
Access code:*707531 #


Before the call begins, add the Skype user ID*freeconferencing. It will automatically appear "online" in your Skype contact list.

  • Start a regular Skype voice call to this user.

When instructed, use the numeric dial/keypad in Skype to enter the access code followed by the pound symbol:*707531 #
*Note: If you are participating via Skype, please use a headset/microphone, or at minimum earphones/headphones.

When instructed, use the numeric dial/keypad in Skype to enter the access code followed by the pound symbol:*707531 #
*Note: If you are participating via Skype, please use a headset/microphone, or at minimum earphones/headphones.


In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes

  • Update on 1.6 release

  • GSoC 2010 applications for organizations due between March 8th and 12th - http://socghop.appspot.com/

  • Update on OASYS messaging project

  • Initial roundtable discussion about the OpenMRS online community resources:

    • Michael Downey's strategy proposal

    • Information/knowledge management

    • Collaboration tools

    • Developer tools

    • "Marketing" information about the product

    • Etc.

  • After-action review & next week's agenda

    • Note: Daylight Saving Time begins 14-March in the US


1.6 release update

  • Darius has a question on a few tickets that are blocking 1.6 release:

    • Ticket 2103 - Concept Name/Description/Synonyms don't display correctly. Jeremy & Ada are working to assess the impact of this issue.

    • Ticket 1725 - Adding Deactivate/Reactivate or Retire/Unretire Options in User Form. Darius would like someone to go over this and confirm his comments or add others if possible. Sy will work on this.

  • If these tickets require work, it may delay RC1 until next week.

  • RC1 should stay out for at least a week of actual use. If nothing gets filed, move to final release.

GSoC 2010

  • Michael will handle the application for GSoC this year. Burke will get him the materials from last year to use as a template.

  • Applications for organizations will be accepted next week.

  • The following people will be mentors (and maybe others): Ben, Darius, Win, Wyclif, Sy, Jeremy. If you are willing to be a mentor this year, please contact Michael.

OASYS update

  • Zeshan gave an update on the OASYS project. Development is underway.

  • The team sent out an update to the developers list a few days ago and is hoping to get feedback ASAP.

  • Everyone is encouraged to review and comment on the requirements documents that have been posted to the wiki.

Web strategy



  • The meetings are going well, but we need to make sure people on the phone and on Skype have more opportunity to speak up. More pauses would help.

  • IRC is useful. More people should get on IRC during the meetings.
