2010-10-14 Developers Conference Call
14 October 2010
In Attendance
?@Michael Downey
?@Wyclif Luyima
?@Mike Seaton
?@Mark Goodrich
??@Justin Miranda
?@Ben Wolfe
?@Darius Jazayeri
?@Paul Biondich
?@Burke Mamlin
?@Saptarshi Purkayastha
?@Nyoman Ribeka
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
1.7 update
1.8 update
Radiology module update
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
Deferred Topics
OCC will rescheduled for probably 2 weeks out, perhaps when Pascal is in Indianapolis
1.7 Release
AMPATH is having problems with hardware which means they cannot test
Release date is impacted indefinitely until their test environment can be built
How can we have less reliance on implementers for testing?
General testing issues
We need to get better at integration with "bundled" modules, in order to reduce potential problems for release testing.
Automated testing will catch what we know might be problems, but user testing will identify unanticipated errors.
We would like to reach a point where CI is doing more integrated builds for testing (and release management, too).
How can we do continuous higher-level integration test that includes bundled modules?
Can we better automate building of the ?OpenMRS Appliance?
TODO Burke will get some discussions about these topic started on the mailing lists.
1.8 Release Testing
Performance testing results are available at http://ci.openmrs.org/ - currently testing against 1.7.0 RC. Anyone who has the ability to work on JIRA issues in TRUNK is able to start a test run. TRUNK project "approvers" can edit the test configuration in Bamboo/CI.
TODO Wyclif is finishing up some of the tests. The 1.8 Top Ten page will be updated to correlate the top 10 to the specific tests being run.
TODO Darius will work to expose the build number via WebDriver.
TODO Burke will work on reporting test data from the XML results at http://errors.openmrs.org/reports/
TODO Darius is taking the test data set and upgrading it to 1.8 and will send it to Michael who will get the trunk build set up for testing.
TODO Someone will configure the tests to run 10 iterations for every "build" that CI runs.
TODO Justin will give Wyclif a crash course on BIRT Reporting Module so Wyclif can write tests for it. They will likely use James Arbaugh's test report. They will report back by end of Tuesday if they are having problems with it.
TODO Darius will work on the reporting module test and report back by end of Tuesday if he is having problems.
Radiology Module
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting