2010-08-12 Developers Conference Call


12 August 2010

In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Summer of Code Presentations - Group 3 (90 min)

    • Bug Analytics - Shivashankar Subramanian (15 min)

    • HTML Form Entry Module Enhancements - Xiaohu Fan (15 min)

    • Metadata Sharing Project - Rafal Korytkowski (15 min)

    • Remark Module - Christian Chircu (15 min)

    • UI Framework Prototypes - Harsha Halgaswatta (15 min)

  • Last-minute planning for Hackathon (10 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Summer of Code Presentations

HTML Form Entry Module Enhancements

  • Xiaohu gave a short presentation and a demo of his project's final state.

Metadata Sharing Project

  • Presentation and demo

Remark Module

  • Presentation and demo

UI Framework Prototypes

  • Presentation and demo

Bug Analytics

  • Presentation and demo


  • TODO: Michael will update the hackathon page with a table of attendees, location, and work interest, and assigned tickets.

  • Next week's call will serve as a kickoff for the hackathon:

    • 1.7 Release Update (we are on track this week)

    • Messaging Module Update

    • Maven Intro/Crash Course

    • Hackathon Kick-Off


  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after call