2010-08-05 Developers Conference Call


05 August 2010

In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Suneeth and James to demonstrate patient matching module (15 mins)

  • 1.7 release update (15 min)

  • Zabil to demo performance profiling tools (20 min)

  • Monthly road map review (1 hr)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Patient Matching module demo

  • Suneeth gave a demo on Adobe Connect of the Patient Matching module.

1.7 release update

  • Multiple people in the field have tested beta, and a few bugs have been fixed.

  • Will release RC1 later today.

  • TODO: We still need implementations to test RC1 before final release. Volunteers are needed.

Testing demo

  • Zabil did some demos of testing and performance testing.

  • TODO: Wyclif, Darius, & anyone else interested will meet later today to discuss specific tests for tickets in 1.8.

Monthly Roadmap Review

  • Deferred due to lack of time


  • Happy Birthday, Ben!


  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after call