2015-06-22 Project Management Meeting


Jun 22, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Suranga Kasthurirathne

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Wyclif Luyima

Discussion items







OCL subscription module


  • Jonathan says the full CIEL dictionary and the test dataset will be ready by the end of today. After he verifies everything, he'll send out instructions for testing and module development -- to be safe, let's plan on tomorrow.

Condition List

@Émerson Hernandez

OpenMRS Web Framework

@Burke Mamlin

Vertical Packaging

@Burke Mamlin

Administrative functions

@Wyclif Luyima

  • have put together some tickets (Open tickets labeled as "adminui" in JIRA: 8 issues)

  • planning to start sprint July 6 but need list of new features plus the existing and then email devs on talk

Basic Order Entry for meds and tests

@Darius Jazayeri

  • will need to reschedule design forum (w/ at least Darius, Burke, Jonathan)

Support for MariaDB


  • Burke is making sure Cintia has what she needs to proceed

Java 8 support

@Wyclif Luyima


Upgrade Underlying Technologies


FHIR Support

@Suranga Kasthurirathne

  • going back to support FHIR OpenMRS 1.10

  • it seems to run against 1.11

  • plan to release FHIR 1.0 module with 1.0 spec

Remove Legacy UI

@Burke Mamlin

  • GSoC student making progress

  • after 1-2 admin features are working from module will then get work into core

Action items

@Burke Mamlin will reach out to @raff and@Nicholas Ingosi to see what the aim is for 1.0
@Émerson Hernandez what are the next steps for condition list
@Jamie Thomas will  reschedule design forum to decide what Order Entry functionality to harvest from the PIH visit note to the reference application. (w/ at least Darius, Burke, Jonathan)