2015-06-29 Project Management Meeting


Jun 26, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Émerson Hernandez

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Wyclif Luyima


Discussion items







Condition List

@Émerson Hernandez

  • Condition list was for a specific implementation and is on hold

  • revisiting in 2-3 weeks

OCL subscription module


  • Rafal will be testing against staging server, production server is ready but Jonathan is still doing some testing

  • Rafal plans to create issues tomorrow

  • Having call with Nicholas on Wednesday, he has some time to help with tickets

OpenMRS Web Framework

@Burke Mamlin

  • need action plan for REST

Vertical Packaging

@Burke Mamlin

Administrative functions

@Wyclif Luyima

  • Wyclif doing a dry run of sprint kickoff on 1 July design call

Support for MariaDB


  • Burke will

Java 8 support

@Wyclif Luyima

  • need to put effort into platform strategy and timing

Upgrade Underlying Technologies


  • Rafal is reaching out to Kris to see if he has some time for assisting with Hibernate upgrade

PM Call Feedback


  • not a lot of updates on this call lately

  • need to get Sept release on peoples minds - make an announcement to the community to get a 2.3 release manager (highlight James & Sri) and platform manager

  • need a PM for OpenMRS who supports release managers, doesn't need to be full time

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will email @Darius Jazayeri & @Burke Mamlin about action plan to decide what is missing and improve REST
@Burke Mamlin to create a Talk topic around Metadata Mapping (design page)
@Burke Mamlin will follow up on MariaDB support with Cintia
@Jamie Thomas will draft announcements for release and platform manager volunteers