2015-08-10 Project Management Meeting


Aug 10, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


Discussion items







OCL subscription module

  • need to find out if we have 1.0 yet. Burke will reach out

OpenMRS Web Framework


  • REST ticket were ranked last week

  • Darius wants to point people towards this ranked list

Vertical Packaging


  • Rafal is reviewing metadata mapping content and thinking about an upcoming sprint

Administrative functions


Condition List


  • Last week Daniel mentioned he believed condition list would not be ready for 2.3 if we did not get volunteers on admin sprint. It is looks like condition lit will not make it into 2.3.

Upgrade Underlying Technologies


  • Update on 13 Aug developers forum

Release Managers


  • Volunteers OpenMRS 2.3: Manika Maheshwari & Tharunya Pati

  • Volunteers Platform 2.0: Mayank Sharma

  • Burke will get feedback from /dev/5's on volunteers

Project Management


  • Need to look at the way we approach sprints and releases

Action items

@Burke Mamlin will reach out to those involved with the OCL subscription module and find out if we are at a 1.0 version yet. If not will need to identify the gaps.
@Burke Mamlin will message /dev/5 for input on 2.0 and 2.3 release volunteersÂ