2010-04-26 Code Review
2010-04-26 Code Review
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Jeremy Keiper
Sy Haas
Win Ribeka
Wyclif Luyima
Darius Jazayeri
Tickets to review
Notes for Ticket 2032
remove unit tests for authenticated users
remove synchronized on line 75 of Hl7InArchivesMigrateThread; block is okay, no need for method sync
remove reference to Hl7InArchivesMigrateThread for member variables
comment on 280 of HL7ServiceImpl: replace "2" with HL7Constants.HL7_STATUS_PROCESSED
if someone is running the migration and tries to save a queue into archive, it is possible that there could be a conflict
need some form of a test (functional or unit) to try this out
ideal design behavior is that you should have no problem saving during migration
, multiple selections available,