2010-04-19 Code Review

2010-04-19 Code Review

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  • Jeremy Keiper

  • Sy Haas

  • Win Ribeka

  • Wyclif Luyima

  • Darius Jazayeri

Tickets to review

Notes for ticket #227


  • comment on attached patch says you were going to make a change on liquibase demo data, but that's not in the patch. Was this intentional?


  • verify that for ruby compatibility we can have a composite primary key on mapping tables like role_role, role_privilege, user_role

Notes for ticket #260



  • privilege should be "Manage Forms"

url should be 'auditField.form' or something**

url should be 'auditField.form' or something**


  • change 'formField.field' to 'auditField.form' (same as above)

  • change successView of your bean


  • need (brief) javadoc on the class

  • 47: change to 'private static final Log log ...'

  • delete 49-52

  • annotation of 53 should go under the javadoc

  • 75, 80: internationalize these with Context.getMessageSourceService()...

  • 85-88: move those into the end try and catch blocks

  • 95-121: you don't need a form backing object (certainly not of type form) if you're doing all forms at once. Also remove commandName property in openmrs-servlet.xml



  • 3: should be "Manage Forms", and change redirect to 'form.list' (I think)

  • 10: internationalize in messages.properties

  • 16: internationalize

  • Description of what is about to be done should be on the page. Confirm dialog can just say "Operation cannot be reversed"

  • It would be nice (but maybe not required) to show which or how many fields will be merged on this page.


  • 292: fix comment

  • 297: method name should be plural, i.e. getFormFieldsByField

  • Generally: do control-shift-F to format code. (make sure you have the OpenmrsFormatter installed)


  • 20, 24: imports not required

  • 714: should be a Set not a List

  • 720: comparison of IDs should not be required (but if it is, call the same id method for i and j)

  • 742: change method name to be 'similar', 'match', 'equivalent', not 'equal'.

  • 744: if any of these could be null, use OpenmrsUtil.nullSafeEquals(...)

  • don't say "if (X) return true else return false;" just say return (X).

  • you could speed up this method to be O instead of O(n^2) by looping over the field list once, making a unique string for each, and putting that in a map. Then loop once over the map to see what buckets have more than one thing. (I don't know how slow this gets with large numbers of fields, so it may not be worth changing.)

  • Also need to
    concept/table_name/attribute_name/default_value need to be the same too
    never merge and unretired field into a retired one--do it the other way


  • either add the new field & form_field in the existing FormServiceTest-formFields.xml or else create your own test dataset and do this via xml.

Notes for ticket #2195

APPROVED with instructions for committer

  • change "is beyond" to "has exceeded"


  • make 50 a constant

  • fix spacing around the && !=

  • "obs.getValueTest() != null" instead of the reverse

  • getValueText() doesn't need a toString()