2010-03-15 Code Review
2010-03-15 Code Review
Call-in Information
Call*712-432-0075 or Skype a voice call to freeconferencing
Enter the code*305801
Tickets to review
unnamed link - Review revisions after previous review
unnamed link - json library
unnamed link - flot on patient dashboard
Review Notes for ticket 1686
The filter mapping should take care of '/ urls because there are some servlets that don't end with /*.form.
'@should' annotations should read like sentences for the changePasswordFormController.
Unit test methods should match with what is being verified
Review Notes for ticket 2133
Sy has commented
Review Notes for ticket 2036
Can you add a range for abnormal (similar to critical)
Show less precise dates instead of something like 'Mar' on the graph
Make colors and tick size global properties that can be configured.
The 'patientDashboardGraph.form' should be named something like 'patientGraphJson.form'.
To do
, multiple selections available,