2010-06-10 Code Review
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Jeremy Keiper
Sy Haas
Wyclif Luyima
Nyoman Ribeka
Ben Wolfe
Darius Jazayeri
Tickets to review
unnamed link (wyclif) Rows in Hl7_in_archive table have wrong message_state value
unnamed link (uday_rayala) Patient.indentifiers TreeSet collection updates may result in inconsistent behavior
unnamed link (raff) New Data Exports of the same name as a deleted export have old data in the download file before being generated
unnamed link (sneha) Updating location on Encounter should cascade the update to Obs
unnamed link (sneha) Add more information to System Information page
Ticket 2371
Ticket 2379
should not import (all) - use CTRL+SHIFT+O to import required class
PatientTest, line 20
PersonServiceTest, line 20
include the Patient class in the changeset
Need to have a design review to discuss the concerns brought up by this ticket.
To fix the overall problem
change to a LinkedHashSet (remove "natural")
fix the hashCode and equals methods in PatientIdentifier
Ticket 1602
DataExportFormController: move 89-92 until after the 'report.setReportObjectId(null)' and should be done anyway, leave the way it was before
DataExportListController: wrap lines 132-137 in a try/catch/finally to delete the file even if the ReportService fails to delete
Darius will apply this
change to 1.7 release
Ticket 2276
HibernateEncounterDAO.getSavedEncounterLocation should have a comment saying it is bypassing hibernate caching by using the SQL
change to 1.7 release
Ticket 67 (Darius fix)
BooleanConceptChangeSet: use 'min()'
Approved pending change, check off unnamed link
Ticket 2242
just have a single system info map instead of having individual objects with an internal maps
removing the objects