2017-10-16 Project Management Meeting


Oct 16, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Theresa Cullen

Discussion items







Last weeks action items


2017-10-02 Project Management Meeting

Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph

  • So you want to be an OpenMRS GSoC Admin 

  • Admin after action review to create helpful admin documentation

  • Jamie trying to find a good time to do this - design time w/ Suranga, Burke, anyone who wants to help with documentation efforts, those aspiring to lead GSoC

DHIS2 Integration

@Sri Maurya Kummamuru & @James K


@raff &  @Darius Jazayeri

  • Have not seen a post looking for volunteer to update wiki pages - think this is a good task for GCI


 @raff &  @Darius Jazayeri

  • Jamie following up with Rafal to see if he has heard from Pawel, who is working on the specs

  • will be joining daily scrums on IRC for updates and also post to Talk as they are required by their management


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • total of 14 devs right now

  • 3 groups working on - management observations, management of AddOn screens, cohort builder, AddOn manager tool

  • when there is a community project or scrum suggest firing up dev test servers with out reference application on them for Andela - would like to have these by end of year


@Burke Mamlin

  • Burke needs to summarize the list for Platform 2.2 and put straw man into the road map

  • need a release manager (Plan B: Wyclif and Daniel)

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Stephen is cleaning up roadmap page to match reality and pushing leftover items to 2.8

  • Stephen is going to open new thread on what we plan to put into 2.7 release and if people have something they do not see on the list please richest to the release manager (after clean up road map

  • one of Stephen's colleagues is going to shadow to learn and possibly be the next release manager



  • GCI application is complete submitting proposal

  • Ivange asked if there is anything we can do so that we can add one OMRS leader as admin to help supervise everything.  Also while filling the form they were asked for OMRS contact email and entered community@openmrs.org. That is what was on the previous GCI website. Can/should we give them access to this email during the program? (Would like Burke to reply on current Talk message)

  • Ivange needs a list of GCI tasks

Review pmtool



Project Management Activities


  • review the list for changes

  • would like to add OpenMRS Conference as a weekly touch point



  • Setting up design call in November to discuss the state and direction of OCL

Design Forum:



Action items

@raff reach out to @Ivange Larry Ndumbe to have GCI update Binary wiki pages (will need him to assist with content)
@Burke Mamlin will talk to @Cintia Del Rio about firing up dev test servers for Andela to work on via JetStream 
@Burke Mamlin to summarize list of Platform 2.2 and put straw man into the road map (part of this is posting to Talk for release manager)
@Jamie Thomas to reach out to @Christine Gichuki and @Jeff Neiman about attending this call for updates (dev related) and to work on hackathon